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Senin, 07 November 2011


Everyone has personality, and the personality each person is different, we can know personality of person from the clothes she wears. Because clothes is reflection of person. Everybody can judge the pers

on from she wear
A beautiful woman is woman has a good behavior, pretty face, respect themselves and others and be models for others. This is important things to be a good teacher especially for woman teacher.
A good Islamic teacher is wear a skirt when she teach
How to dresses is already provide in our religion. Clothing must cover all body and do not show the body shape. Like this hadith
Men's clothing women's clothing must not resemble or vice versa. Ibn Abbas Radhiallaahu 'anhu he said: "The Messenger cursed (cursed) men who resemble women and women who resemble men." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari).
From the hadits our prophet ordered us to wear good clothes. For the teacher deserved to wear a skirt when she teach. Because she work in front of and would be a models for her students. Students will more respect with teacher wear a skirt compared than the teacher wear a trousers.
Our religion is easy, you can wear a trouser, but the trouser not to show your body shape and can cover all your body.
Beside on from our religion, old Javanese also said “ajining diri gumantung saka lathi, ajining raga gumantuing saka busana” that’s has meaning that person can judge from the word say and the clothes wear. When the teacher wear a tidy clothes, it same meaning respct themselves. But when the teacher wear clothe untidy, it meaning can’t respect themslef. If the teacher is not respect herself, how could the students respect her. It’s imposible. And it’s also include in the Indonesian motto education, which created by Ki Hajar Dewantara “Ing Ngarso Sung Tulada (In front of be a models), Ing Madya mangun Karso (In the middle give a help) and Tu Wuri Handayani (always support from behind). And an Ideal teacher who can do 3 item above. Beside that we life in around Javanese, thick in culture. And we must be obey a culture.
But wearing a trouser’s important too. Because sometimes we do exercise, and we difficult to do it when wear a skirt, we must be wear a trousers. Or for the woman exercise teacher, she always wear a trousers, because she work in the yard. Different with others teacher whose teach in the class. Although wear a trouser, we must obey the manner. Because we are Indonesian, famous a manner an east culture.
Sometimes many people afraid to wear a skirt. Do not afraid wear a skirt because it has model also. A woman will look more beautifully when she wear a skirt. all arranged in religion and culture.

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